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Owner Spotlight 

Amber Holloway, our owner, graduated high school in 2006 as a second generation Andalusia High School Alumni. She began nursing school in 2009 and was pinned in 2011. It was in nursing school that she learned the effects of cleanliness, or lack there of, can have on the general public and our wellbeing.  She worked for several years as a nurse at the local hospital on the medical surgical floor until she gave birth to her children. After her second born was almost a year old, Amber returned to the work force as a Pediatric nurse at a local clinic. It was during this time, that the need to keep things "clean" began to take root. 

     " Well it started, of course, in nursing school. You learn to separate the 'dirty' from 'clean' when practicing sterility, such as maintaining your sterile field. Logically, to me, it made sense to apply this to almost all areas of cleaning. You don't want to contaminate the clean by getting it dirty.  Apart from the sterility, you also learn how germs are spread, how handwashing and cleaning linens possibly saved multitudes of people when it became commonly practiced, and the physiology of bacteria commonly found on surfaces. The desire to put it into practice in my everyday routine started at the point. However, the extent of my desire came after my youngest was born. At two weeks, of age, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. If you aren't familiar with that, it's a multi system disease that in short makes the mucus thicker, which in turn is harder to expel the bacteria it comes in contact with. The most common and devastating bacteria to her, newly onset - was pseudomonas, which can be found in your household especially  in warm moist areas. After we dealt with her diagnosis to the best of our ability, keeping her well, the house clean, and rolling with the flow, our oldest daughter was diagnosed with a class 4 allergy to dust mites. Her constant runny nose, cough, croup and indirectly related ear infections was related to exposure to dust. After visiting with the allergist, I was shocked to learn that dust was an actual living organism; I somehow, missed that fact in nursing school.  I began cleaning like our lives depended on it, no pun intended. I came up with methods to clean things on a shorter time scale. Before I knew it, 6 months had passed. It wasn't until the pediatrician I worked for at the time brought it to my attention - she said "Amber, did you realize Emma hasn't had allergic croup in over 6 months?" We were used to treating her for croup at least 3 times in 6 months. Needless to say, at that point, our family became my testimony. Shortly after, my mother became sick with cancer. She was on chemo and her health depended very much on cleanliness. I took a break from the nursing field right after the height of the pandemic to assume caring for her. I told her my dream, one day to bring a new meaning of cleaning to our community. Recently, I had met and questioned a few cleaners here and there at different places; I was shocked to find how much knowledge they lacked about the services they provided. I wanted to reform the cleaning industry in our area. Momma, always my biggest fan, insisted I step out on that limb of fait and give it a try. I began this journey in July of 2020 with just myself. Now, I work alongside 14 other amazing women working (and learning) everyday providing our services to our community. After she passed away in may of the following year, I made this business my tribute to her support." 


Meet the Team!

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Hello! Meet the Pretty Clean team! We would love to introduce ourselves to all of our wonderful clients!

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