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Effects of Commercialized Cleaning Products

Did you know chapstick makes your lips dryer over time to keep you reapplying and buying more? Or that coke actually makes you feel more thirsty, so that you keep buying another one to quench your thirst. So many products seem great when you first use them, but are counter productive overtime to keep you needing it. The same can be said for cleaning products. A lot of floor cleaners, for example have silicone or petroleum which makes your floor look amazing right after mopping, but causes wax build up over time making your floors look worse. Commercialized cleaning products with strong chemicals for "cleaning" also contribute to chronic respiratory diseases, allergic reactions, and headaches. Have you ever wondered why big time antibacterial cleaners such as Fabuloso and Pine Sol have been recalled for bacterial risks? The same reason we want to eat clean is the same reason we should want to use clean products in our house. Is your house really clean if you aren't using products made from clean ingredients?

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